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Great website, my attention was drawn to it by recently purchasing and reading Alex Cox's 'I am not a number' I have been a fascinated fan and admirer of The Prisoner since first seeing it (in black and white) on ITV in 1967-8. I visited Portmeiron first in 1971. It was fantastic to discover years later that all episodes had been made in colour - I think I saw them re-broadcast in colour in Canada in the early 1990s. I was interested in Alex Cox's book about the speculation on what inspired the writers/creators to conceive a sealed, 'safe' prison colony for those who had fallen foul of the establishment, or their spymasters etc. There were probably many ideas, but onw which I think has been neglected is the system of 'confino' or banishment practised by Musolini's regime in the 1920s and 1930s against political opponents. This is described in a recent book by R.J. Bosworth on the Amendolas, socialist opponents of the Mussolini regime, 'Politics, Murder and Love in an Italian Family - The Amendolas in the Age of Totalitarianism'. Giuseppe Amendola was condemned to 'confino' on one of the small Italian islands, but the account of it sounds remarkably like life in The Village - as long as you didn't try to escape, life was comfortable. There were social clubs, the prisoners of state were encouraged to be active. And if you cooperated, you were eventually allowed to leave...
At the tender age of 13, I was one of the youngest members in the early days of Six of One, along with my friend Ian Bell. Have hugely fond memories of the convention at the Thatched Barn in Elstree and local group meetings in Hertfordshire homestead by Pam Barnes. I even wrote a few things for the society’s original journal Alert.
I was a member in the early days, from 1979, and drove to Portmeirion from London for the annual convention, twice. Went on a London walk about in 1984. I see from the photographs of the last convention that most members are around my age, retired! My children are are not interested in a 57 year old TV series. Star trek TOS is older! Dr Who is much older! I have copies of all the episodes and watch them occasionally.
I am a big fan of the prisoner tv series.
Very nice web site. I Joined the society before the internet and patiently awaited monthly news letters in the mail. I bought just about anything to do with the series and have it on VHS, LaserDisk, and stored in HD on my computer. Never quite made it to the village, although had a trip planned. I live in Ontario Canada and watched the series when it first aired-before it did in the US I believe. Keep up the good work, I just stumbled across here while on the Facebook page Old sci-fi Art. Be seeing you!
Finally PortmeiriCon again! 2023 was another nice experience. Thanks to the new team. Nothing will stop me from attending Convention 2024 as part of the German group. And to visit Wales again! Hotel rooms in Porthmadog have already been booked for the pre- and post-convention periods. BCNU... and: "Wir sehen uns!" Alexander Kulik, Dusseldorf, Germany Nr. 56
Truly amazing. It is reassuring to know that there are others who see the value of this series decades later. I think the fact that the story-telling was enigmatic, is what keeps the interest alive.
A WONDERFUL website! Words can not express my thanks at your keeping "The Prisoner" alive in the ways that you do. Everything in your website brings back and helps keep my fondest memories alive of what I consider to be the most brilliant television series ever devised. Mr. McGoohan's vision was without peer. His acting and writing - second to none. I hope, one day, to attend the Convention at Portmeirion. At age 66, time is running out. But looking at the glass half-full (instead of half-empty) I'll just say, "Be seeing you." Best wishes to everyone who appreciates "The Prisoner."
What a terrific convention, so nice to be back among friends. I am loving the new look of the website, clear and easy to navigate. BCNU!
The new website is a great improvement; well done to all concerned. Now all I need is some 'Speed Learning' to get used to it! Although I was at this year's convention - selfishly - just to launch my Prisoner tie-in novel 'Unity: Peace for All, Freedom for None', I could tell from the smiles on the faces of all who attended that the event was a great success. Everyone went to such lengths to get into the spirit of things, both in terms of costumes and behaviour, and I wished I'd had more time to spend in The Village. Maybe next year. Thanks once again to Craig and the team for allowing me to infiltrate The Village for the Unity launch. Be seeing you :-)
First time for me and my wife in this magical place ! Unforgettable ! Many thanks to all those who made this possible ! BCNU !
Congratulations on the new website, much easier to use as we only use a tablet. Thank you and be seeing you
Our first time in Portmeirion and at the Prisoner Convention, loved the chess, village players re-enactments and election parade, thank you so much for a wonderful weekend. Everyone was really friendly!
Website looking good. Great convention and a big thankyou to all my fellow uke players - you can't silence us !!!!
My first time visiting 'The Village'. Had a wonderful time just immersing myself in the world of The Prisoner with like minded fans from around the world. And what tremendous weather we had! Props to the organisers for a brilliant weekend of events and merriment. I'll stay in Portmerion next year and stick around for the party after.
Great Convention. Thanks for all the hard work. We have had an amazing weekend.
So thrilled to hear about the success of the Village Players at the convention yesterday. The troupe work all year to develop props and scenes to portray Prisoner episode re enactments at the convention, for delegates and the visiting public, in settings around the village. The convention is richer for their contribution. Bravo!
Wishing everyone a great convention, sorry Rob and I couldn't join in this year but hopefully BCNU next year. Keep up the good work.
Love the new website. Keep up the good work. BCNU!
Great new website. Well done
New site has a refreshing appearance and is much easier to navigate.
Great start to the convention, had some laughs and looking forward to the rest of the weekend.
Brilliant new website, thank to all the volunteers who put their tine into keeping the fan club going.
By hook or by crook, I will be first in this book! Congratulations on an excellent refresh of this excellent website. Best wishes for every success at this years convention PortmeiriCon 2023 and for the future. Be seeing you - No.77.