The Prisoner Appreciation Society




Greetings Villagers.
**Hot off the Village press**
The first society magazine of the July 1st 2024 - June 30th 2025 membership; October's DEGREE ABSOLUTE, will be with old & new members in the coming weeks.
Be Seeing You 👌🏼




Six of One is the sole appreciation society for ‘The Prisoner’ with a long history that continues to enjoy a wonderful association with Portmeirion Village. We offer a regular opportunity to come together to celebrate one of the most provocative and enduring TV series of our time.


We hope that those of you who attended the very special 40th Portmeiricon had a truly wonderful time. We had many great events and Catherine McGoohan was clearly the star of the show. You can view images from the weekend in the 2024 Convention Gallery.


Activity on planning next year’s Convention is already well under way and the team are working hard to organise guests and events. We have also completed our finance review for the past membership year and our Annual Financial Statement 2023-24 that is now available on this website. This provides details of how the society has spent your membership and convention fees over the last year. We hope that this report is illuminating and helpful.


Also please refer to the new Society Details and Basis of Operation particularly the section on Society Finances & Guiding Principles before reading the Financial Statement.


As we all bask in the summer sun, just a reminder to renew your membership if you haven't already done so. We hope that you will want to continue supporting the Six of One Prisoner Appreciation Society and enjoy the next three editions of our splendid 'Degree Absolute' magazine.




For people in the UK, The Prisoner will be shown on LEGEND XTRA, available on Sky channel 317, Virgin Media channel 171, Freeview channel 69 and Freesat channel 138
The first episode 'Arrival' is at 8pm - Thursday 8th August
Be Seeing You!






Membership renewals are now open as well as registration for the 2025 Convention and Accommodation Requests.
As always - for ease of administration and accounting - please be aware that PayPal is our preferred method of payment for membership and Convention registrations.
Note also that, if you do not have a PayPal account set up,  you can still use any major credit or debit card to make a guest transaction by selecting the pay with card option at the bottom of the screen presented when you press the PayPal Buy Now button.
We have also moved to a fully electronic system for requesting accommodation which we hope you find to be a significant improvement over the previous postal system.
Be seeing you!




A picture of Glenies through random anecdotes and memories - from Jo Roberts


Many people will have seen the announcement of the recent, sad passing of Glenies McCairns aka Glenys Siefers. Below you will find a handwritten letter to Six of One from good friend of Glenies and society stalwart, Jo Roberts, where she offers her unique "Ramblings of Memories".




Attention all Convention attendeess - we need your help


The Six of One organising team are continually looking at ways to improve things for the benefit of the members. Having recently reviewed the 2024 Convention, we would like feedback from members who attended the 40th PortmeiriCon to ensure we are focussing our attention in the right areas. We would really appreciate your help by filling in a short survey. It should not take more than ten minutes to complete and will really help us with our planning and organisation of future events.


Thank you for your continued support

Best wishes from the Six of One organising team




Many years ago, a publisher approached me, and asked me if I would write a book about The Prisoner. At the time, I was still working, frequently away from home on business. I explained that I wasn’t in a position to even think about it. They were gracious enough to say they would grant me time.


Some years later, now retired, in the spring of 2020, sitting in the garden recovering from Covid, I was enjoying the sun, the feel of grass beneath my feet, eyes closed, listening to birdsong. Then it happened. A muse alighted on my shoulder, whispered into my ear, and this was the sign to begin.


Where to start? What to write? What content? I was facing both a blank canvas in my mind, and a blank sheet of paper before me. I reflected, mulled it over for a while, as gradually an idea formed, from wherever ideas come from, emerging into my consciousness.


Of course, I was steeped in The Prisoner, I had the entire Six of One output, books, videos, DVDs, interviewed guests at conventions, hosted the Brain Bashes, written articles, all over a forty-plus year period, and, seeing the series in 1967, it had been coursing around my mind since then.


I was aware that the production had been related a number of times, besides; I had always been fascinated by discussing the show, hearing different views, interpretations, meanings. I was aware that, in the grand scheme, there was comparatively little analysis, not a great deal of, ‘digging deep’. That was what excited me, exploring, ‘What’s it all about?’, and to do exactly what Patrick Joseph McGoohan hoped we would do: ‘Question Everything!’


The preface and Introduction should help you navigate this book. I attempt to make my explanations clear in those, but for one thing, so I should share this with you now. I did not write the seventeen episodes chapters sequentially. It was as much as voyage of exploration for me as it will be for you, though in a rather different way for me. I had no ‘grand plan’, I was driven by instinct. I decided to make a start with the chapters about which I had already written essays, or episodes where I had corresponded with the writer, or perhaps interviewed them. After all, these were the ideas men. ‘I had some encouraging insights from Terence Feely, (The Schizoid Man,) and both interviewed and assisted Ian Rakoff when he was writing his book, (Living in Harmony). I had not only been the first interviewer to discuss, (A Change of Mind,) with Roger Parkes, but both he and his wife Tessa, came to our wedding. Another out-of-sequence chapter was Dance of the Dead, which, over the decades, I returned to a number of times, even hosting a ‘day workshop’, devoted to Anthony Skene’s three episodes. I write this to explain that in a way, each of the sequential episode screened chapters can be read as a stand-alone chapter.


Since that day in 2020, I don’t think a day has passed when I have not been working on the book in some way, whether a day typing urged on by an insight, reflecting and wrestling with composition, staring at a blank piece of paper, casting for a beginning. Before tackling a new chapter, I usually spend anything up to a month assembling material, reading, allowing a natural pattern as befits that particular chapter to inspire and develop. Then it begins! A chapter may linger, going through anything up to a dozen or so drafts. I owe it to the reader to say I failed dismally at school, leaving with no qualifications whatsoever. I am self-educated. As I write I would say the book should be finished by 2025. Then it’s to the publisher. I estimate the word count at around a quarter-of-a-million words when complete.


A peer reviewer said to me, ‘Do you want the reader to agree with you?’ Without missing a beat, I shot back, ‘No, I wish to replicate exactly what The Prisoner set out to do. Each of us will arrive at our own interpretation, our own understanding, our own route through the maze of life.’ Continue watching this page for further updates from time to time.


Dave Barrie. Malvern. May 2024.


Please click the button below to view the book introduction and sample chapters page.






We can announce that the 41st PortmeiriCon, will be held over the weekend of Friday 11 to Sunday 13 April 2025. Please keep an eye on the Home and Convention pages for further details.
The 2024 Convention Gallery is now available using the button below.
A massive thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Portmeiricon and contributed to making it happen! Faces old and new, from all over the world attended and made this weekend a very fun packed, friendly and smooth convention, made all the more special by the return of Catherine McGoohan.
At 14:00 on Sunday at PortmeiriCon 2023, Chris 'Mokeman' Spooner officially handed over the keys and proudly unveiled the newly restored mini moke that was discovered in a lockup garage near castle yard. Portmeirion commissioned Chris to rebuild and restore this moke, which was used during the very first Convention. The work is stunning, and the moke will now be used in and around the village.
The dates for our 2024 convention are Friday 11th - Sunday 13th April 2025. To be held in Portmeirion, the 2025 event will be the 41st PortmeiriCon.
Be Seeing you at PortmeiriCon 2025!






Established in 1977, Six of One is a non-commercial operation and is the only appreciation society for The Prisoner that has received official acknowledgement and recognition. Six of One is administered by a small number of enthusiasts, all unpaid volunteers working in their own free time. All decisions are made by democratic means through members of the Organisation Team. Team members undertake a body of work on behalf of the society as a whole and the team expands and contracts to meet changing circumstances or demands.


Society members are encouraged to participate at every level.There is a convention at Portmeirion, where the series was filmed, and other social events and location visits may be organised from time-to-time.


Membership is by annual subscription and brings mailings which include a quality professionally printed magazine each time plus other printed items.






You can join Six of One online by using the 'PayPal' secure payment page and selecting the appropriate payment panel for the subscription rate applicable to your country of residence. You can opt for Individual Membership or Joint Membership if you have other people at the same address who would like to come along to what would normally be members-only events. If you opt for the latter, please also tell us the full name(s) of joint member(s).


Following payment, you will receive notification by email from PayPal that your subscription has been received, and Six of One will receive your mailing address at the same time. No other receipt will be sent unless requested.  Subscriptions are priced in GBP which Paypal will convert from your currency on payment. An online printable membership form is available if you would prefer to join by post. If you require a receipt for your postal aplication, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.






Join in the fun of the annual “The Prisoner” convention, held in the grounds of Portmeirion, the colourful setting that doubled for “The Village” in the TV series.


With a full programme of both inside and outside events, the convention is a must-attend for every enthusiast of The Prisoner or those interested in cult television generally.


Conventions are self-financing and the organisation, preparation, setting up and running of the event each year is done on a voluntary basis, provided by a dedicated group of people. Conventions are for members and are always promoted and run in a very friendly atmosphere. Six of One would like to thank Portmeirion and all their staff for all of their support and the continued success of Portmeiricon.




Patrick McGoohan plays a man who resigns from a top secret position and is abducted from his London home. He finds himself in a beautiful village where everything is bright and cheerful – the people, their clothes, the buildings, the flowers. But despite this rosy exterior, the village serves a sinister purpose.


People are forcibly brought there in order to have their valuable knowledge protected or extracted. Everyone in the village is assigned a number instead of a name – The Prisoner is Number Six. Chief interrogator and administrator is Number Two, but he isn’t the boss – an unseen Number One is the boss.


Failure is not tolerated in the village, and most episodes feature a new Number Two, though some are privileged to return for a second chance to break Number Six and discover why he resigned. The Prisoner struggles to keep this information from his captors and to find out which side runs the village and where it is. He strives to discover the identity of Number One, and above all, he attempts to escape.  









Portmeirion was the dream creation of Architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis. The Italianate inspired design and the concept of a tightly grouped coastal village, was built in two stages between 1925 and 1976.


Portmeirion featured in a number of "Danger Man" episodes before famosuly becoming "The Village" in The Prisoner television series.


Six of One holds its annual Prisoner Convention - known as Portmeiricon - in Portmeirion Village. Six of One is the only Prisoner appreciation society recognised by Portmeirion and we remain grateful to be able to hold our annual event in The Prisoner's original setting.